The terms on this page comprise the word cloud featured in T.M. Weissenberger's "Accessibility and UDL" training series. For clarity, the list is presented alphabetically.
Accessibility and UDL Word List
- 508
- a11y
- ability
- academic
- access
- accommodation
- action
- adaptive
- advocacy
- blind
- captioning
- civil
- community
- comprehension
- Deaf
- disability
- diversity
- education
- engagement
- equal
- equity
- experience
- expression
- grassroots
- human
- identity
- inclusion
- independence
- individual
- legal
- neurodiversity
- operable
- opportunity
- participation
- perceivable
- policy
- pour
- qualified
- representation
- rights
- scaffolding
- services
- success
- teaching
- technology
- understandable
- user
- values
- variability